Watch Emails Module does not return data

Hi, I have a problem with a simple scenario. I want to trigger with new mails in the inbox, then send the subject text and body text to google sheets. No matter what I do, it says " The module didn’t return any new data.
You can use the Choose where to start settings to select the first piece of data you want to return and start working with. You can return data starting from a specific point or all past data."

I triple checked my connection, IMAP is activated in my outlook, but when I run the scenario it is not generating bundles. Please help with any suggestions.

its because there is no new data according to the specified criteria also you have not provided any data like sender email phrases etc

select choose where to start and select one of these options appart from now on and it should work


Welcome to the Make community!

Did you try clicking on that “Choose where to start” button?

Polling Triggers & Empty “Check Runs”

This is because the module is a POLLING trigger, and not an INSTANT (Webhook) trigger.

If you don’t see any operations after the trigger module, it means there are no new responses (empty output bundle) when the scenario ran to check for new items. This is called a “Check run”.

There are two main types of triggers, Polling (scheduled), and Instant (webhooks). Polling triggers can only run on a schedule. Instant triggers can be run as soon as data is received by the webhook.

  • Polling means Make checks external service for changes (pull changes to Make).
  • Webhook (instant) triggers means external service calls Make when there are new changes (push changes to Make).

The module you are using does not push changes — it’s basically a API request that Make has to occasionally “call” to fetch the latest changes/items.

To find out more on the different types of Trigger modules, see refer to Types of Modules and Webhooks sections of the Make Help Centre.

If you want your scenario to only run when there is new data (and not on a schedule or timed interval), see if your app has an “Instant” or “Webhook” trigger in Make. If not, check if the third-party service has a feature that can send out a webhook when content is created/updated - and then you can point it to a “Custom Webhook” trigger in your scenario.

If you want to re-run your scenario on older data,

Polling Triggers: Epoch Panel & Selecting Older Data

Go to the Epoch Panel, by right-clicking on the trigger module (polling triggers only), and select “Choose where to start” from the list of options in the context menu.

If you select “From now on”, the next time the scenario runs it will only return new data (or nothing if there is no new data).

You can also select other old data to re-run your scenario with next using the “Choose manually” option. This will then show you a list of previous historical items you can select to process the next time the scenario is triggered.

For more information, see

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Thank you very much for your quick response!

I made sure that there is new data. I sent myself 2 E - Mails, opened one of them and the other one is still marked as unread. I tried multiple criteria and setups within the module, but no matter what, it does not receive any data. Also, I tried “choose where to start” but it did not work. Even if I select the option where you can choose a mail, it said “no items/no data”.

Thank you for your response!

Yes, I tried every option with “choose where to start”. I triggered the module manually, because I wanted to test how it works. Didn´t use the automatic triggering. The problem seems to be that the module cannot retrieve any data from my mailing provider. I also checked the IMAP settings in outlook, but it was already “on”. It´s quite interesting, it should be a very easy setup and I cannot find the reason why it doesn´t work… If you have any further info please let me know

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you can try using the outlook module instead of the mail module and check

that is the first thing I tried

strange it should work as expected did you try selecting all emails in choose where to start?

Did you resolve this issue? I am like you, I have been trying everything for the past 2 days and still cant get it to work? Surely, an email should be simple?

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Hey i also have the same problem. But it seems that when i click on “Choose where to start” and then ok it doesnt really save my settings and always when i then send an email to the watch email module it says no data arrived Specify choose where to start first. I really dont know what to do and cant figure the Problem where it comes from. please help me if someone found the solution.

Hi there, this is my first post. Actually I’ve received many important pieces of information from this community without signing up, now I have an opportunity to give back :innocent:
So I faced the same issue with the gmail module and I figured out how to solve it. The problem was the following : no matter what type of settings I chose, the module was acting like it was not saving them, and thus always returned empty output bundle.
Here is the solution that worked for me : I was using a “simple filter” like this :

I simply changed the filter type to “Gmail filter” and added the gmail query corresponding to my filter.

And then I selected my settings (Choose where to start). Saved the scenario, went back to scenarios page, re-open the edition mode, run the scenario and it actually savec my settings.
I didn’t try this method on other email modules though.
I hope this will help some folks out there :wink:

Thanks for sharing this information with us. Just a quick question, which module are you using? (Email, Gmail or Outlook?