Update CRM with Linkedin Inbox
Hi! I am trying to fill my CRM from linkedin inbox conversaitons but cannot find any module to “watcher” to watch my linkedin inbox for a new message (something similair to gmail wath events).
Do you have any ideas of how i could proceed ?
The idea would be that my CRM’s “last contacted” field gets updated each time a new message is send or receive on my linkedin inbox.
Hey, @Roxane_Fis
I think you can go through linkedin developer website and explore if you can fetch the inbox messages through id. There is no module for this process. Therefore go through the docs - Docs link
Do you have an idea how ? cannot find anything. Or other integration
please go through this - Set up an API integration for LinkedIn Pages messaging | LinkedIn Help
this can be done using Linkedin API (please read the docs)
hey @Roxane_Fis , update on the problem
It is not possible to apply this, as it comes under the open developer API and because it is not included in it. Using a partnership account (Certified Custom Apps Partner) appears to be an option. For more information, visit Developers | LinkedIn.
hi ! thanks.
When you say partnership account, you mean using modules such as PhantomBuster?
Partnership account is for linkedin (the premium one for developers to access all the api functionalities.