Hi -
I’ve been going back and forth with SquareSpace on how to set up notifications from orders there on my site to have notifications be sent to a webhook “listener” here in my make.com scenario for each new order. I’m behind schedule and floundering. I was able to easily connect the “SquareSpace List Orders” module and then used “Get an Order” but unfortunately, it gives me all historical orders every time.
Here is the latest from SquareSpace tech support:
"In general, it is possible to subscribe to order creation webhook using Oauth token. However, whether Make app has implemented this into their extension or not, I’d not be able to tell. This is something their support or developers will need to answer you.
I’d recommend reaching out to their support. You can mention that you have already connected Make to your site, so the access is granted. Ask if this essentially subscribes to notifications from your site. If the answer is no, then the extension is not built for this and you will not be able to utilize the subscriptions endpoint the way you’re looking for."
Help? Ideas?
This is Scott from original post above using my client’s account (Luke).
Here is the working scenario that (when all connected up) pulls in all historical orders:
Here is the scenario that has the web hook that is not doing anything when I do a test order over on SquareSpace:
What I was hoping to see here ^ in response to an order was that webhook producing a bundle, but it just sits there running/listening and gets nothing.
Hello @Scott_Swain,
Based on the name of the SquareSpace module (SquareSpace List Orders), it doesn’t appear to be the module you need in this case. You’d likely want to use “Watch Orders” instead, which will execute your entire scenario for each new order. It will keep track internally of which orders it has already processed and you should be able to tell it where to begin). This is not instant, so you’d need to run the scenario on a schedule so that it periodically checks for new orders.
Hello again,
So these links to your scenarios are private to you, no one else can access them unless you specifically invited them to your Organization.
OMG You may have solved my issue! Testing…
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Noted. Thanks! OK I tested out “Watch orders”. When I put in a test order over on SQSP, it triggered the module (1 operation shows now) BUT bundle had no data.
Is there a way to share the scenario so people here can see enough to help??
Ooof that one operation showing was merely me running the scenario (for now set to poll at one minute intervals), so apparently, it didn’t activate when the order was done over on SQSP. Ideas? Happy to share anything with you that will help!
Nevermind. Your solution WORKED!!!