Where can I find my or other place time zone information for formatDate() function?

Hi there!

I would like to put my time zone (living in Seoul, Korea) or any other places in formatDate() function. but I don’t know how to.

I am in the middle of the course, make academy learning formatting the date, especially the formatDate() function.

As far as I know, a typical use of the formatDate() function is like this (one of the examples);

formatDate(now; dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm; America/New_York)

From a foreigner’s point of view, the protocol to put a timezone information is “continental/city” like America/New_York or Europe/Paris.

What about Seoul(in Korea), Tokyo(in Japan)?
Is there any place or document I can refer to to get the right protocol for each place’s timezone?

Hi @ikpyohong76,

Welcome to the Make community. The format for time zones in Make’s formatDate() function follows the IANA time zone database (also known as the “tz database” or “Olson database”). The structure is ‘Continent/City’ indeed.

You should be able to find the ones you want to use here: List of tz database time zones - Wikipedia
