Working with binary data

I’ve used the http module to call an API.
The response I’m contains this:

“data”: “IMTBuffer(7314, binary, f16cdd1feafe5fea862b731ebe14390025f8): ffb50c4000006f4052de1884020de0365b4f1802400114654385baeb65b80e1c040e3970b83eea94b0f9707c3e51d665cb87c1004030501307fbff13d2ee5de1fffbfe5efff87eeff774852db25bb6da36d401c2320e287a7928505415aa9221a00”

this is an audio mpeg file. I’m not sure how to use this data to, for example, upload the file in google drive.
Thanks for the help!

Hi @Steph

The output looks like binary data. So, you can directly map this in the data field of the module “Upload a File”

Best Regards,

Msquare Automation
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You are right Mohamed, it worked!

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I am having the same problem. Can you show me what you did to convert the binary file to the mpeg audio file?