WPML API to translate posts on my multilingual wordpress installation


Looking for a pro who can help me utilize the WPML API to translate posts on my multilingual wordpress installation.

It’s important that you have experience with both wordpress and WPML.

Hey Rurup,

I’ve recently launched this website to a client with the free GTranslate and added extra code in some parts to also include the widgets from a different booking platform that is incorporated in the website. The issue was that the plugin was not translating these widgets, so we’re having a partial translation.

Now everything is being translated, give it a look: tukitall.com

I’m not sure what plugin you’re referring to, but let me know, maybe I can help you with that.


WPML (https://wpml.org) is the top Wordpress ML translation management plugin, I’m surprised you’ve haven’t heard of it if you work with Wordpress sites.

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