Youtube Transcript

1. No YouTube API method

Send a HTTP request to the short YouTube video link, search for timedtext in the result, and you would get a URL. Replace \u0026 with & and you get a temporary link for the subtitle.

A. First part

The URL can be extracted using a Text Parser “Match Pattern” module. It should look something like this.\u0026ei=H3zLZZWoNsnw4-EP0fKe0AM\u0026opi=112496729\u0026xoaf=5\u0026hl=en-GB\u0026ip=\u0026ipbits=0\u0026expire=1707859599\u0026sparams=ip,ipbits,expire,v,ei,opi,xoaf\u0026signature=AC753DEF793E9B5F045E5897EE5F7783CC9CD879.739C7DB16188CDA03389249BC173170447BE1B46\u0026key=yt8\u0026lang=bs

B. replace \u0026 with & in another HTTP module

After replacing the URL, it should look something like this:,ipbits,expire,v,ei,opi,xoaf&signature=AC753DEF793E9B5F045E5897EE5F7783CC9CD879.739C7DB16188CDA03389249BC173170447BE1B46&key=yt8&lang=bs

This link is valid for approximately 7 minutes.

You will get an XML of the file when you call this link using the HTTP module.


2. YouTube API method

If you want to use the YouTube app (API), the endpoint URL is


I’m sure others would agree that this is a nice feature to have for the YouTube app.

You can submit this suggestion to the Idea exchange, under App improvement ideas.

Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.

If you need assistance in setting up the generic HTTP module, please provide additional information about what you have tried with regards to the above.

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