404 error, trying to 'add 1' to a field in a filtered result Jotform from a GET module

The filter successfully finds the specific Jotform record I want to update but I can’t workout how to write the URL or the Body to make the PATCH module work. I just want to add 1 to the {totalAttended} field but keep getting this error:

[404] Requested URL (/form/250643447931055/submissions/) is not available!

The INPUT returns:


Bundle 1Collection
    Query StringArray
      "answers": {
        "totalAttended": ""

Any ideas how to make this work? Been at this for days and feel like it’s so close but I’m really a novice.

Thx in advance,

Welcome to the Make community!

To do this, you can use the built-in function parseNumber

{{ parseNumber(number; decimal separator) }}


{{ parseNumber(1.answers.totalAttended) + 1 }}

For more information, the function’s documentation can be found in the Help Centre. You should also complete the tutorials in the Make Academy.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.