I am struggling to automate updating a Jotform column by 1

I have set up an art class enrolment and attendance system using Jotform. The Enrolment Form works well to collect the student’s name, email, number of classes option, and payment. After enrolling, each student receives an automatic thank you email that includes a personal QR Code. They will bring that Code with them for me to scan at each class and record that they’ve attended. The code works to open the Attendance Jotform and prefill their name so it will always match the Enrolment Form. The intention was that each time I scanned their code it would add 1 to the Total Attended Column and update a Classes Remaining column that subtracts that number from the number of classes bought. Unfortunately, Jotform does not have a running total operation available. It seems like I should be able to do this in Make but I think I can’t see the trees for the forest at this point.

I would be incredibly grateful for any ideas.

Hey there,

where are you trying to store this info at the moment? Is it in a specific field in the form? Do you mind sharing some more technical info?


I only have 2 jotforms and need to keep a running total of how many classes each student attends so I know when they need to pay for more. There is a hidden field in the Enrolment Form so that the corresponding column on the Table can be used in conjunction with a formula column to calculate ‘classes remaining’.

I have built a scenario with 3 Jotform Modules in Make. The first one is the trigger when anyone submits the attendance form. Module 2 is a GET form submissions to retrieve all enrolment form submissions which is effectively the class roster. Between MOdule 2 and Module 3 there is a filter to find if {lastName} in Attendance form is contained in {lastName} in Enrolment form to find the student’s record. Module 3 is meant to simply add 1 to the value in the total attended column of that student. All the test runs work until Module 3 when I get an address error.

getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND eu-api.jotform.comhttps

Not that its not possible to do it your way, but have you considered using a separate data base to keep track of enrollment? It will be much easier this way, than digging through form submissions to see who is enrolled in which classes.

You can start with Make Data Stores and see if you can implement something there, that is if you don’t want to invest in a separate platform.

Ha! I am happy with all suggestions. The idea was to automate as much of the process as is possible. I have only 1 class a week and about 12 students. The forms are live and work well for enrolment and creating the roster so it’s no work for me now. The QR Code is easy to scan with my phone as I circulate the room to teach while they darw. The scan opens the attendance form, prefills the name, and can enter a value of one if necessary or just submit the name to trigger the scenario. If I could figure out how to make that update the value of classes attended, I can then set up an automatic email when the classes remaining reaches 1 so students could buy more classes and I didn’t need to keep track every week to give them warning.

Also, I only have one class.

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It’s such a small scenario and is very nearly doing what I need.

I’m sure someone more experienced will know just what I’m missing and I’ve gone round and round so often I’m not sure what I’ve already tried.

Did you mean to use PUT instead of PATCH?

According to the official Jotform API documentation, there is NO “Patch” method.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

blueprint.json (19.3 KB)

Here is the blueprint. Sorry Sam I just saw yor note about Jotform. I will try PUT. I just need to increase the existing value of a field by 1.

Looks like you want to use the endpoint

POST /submission/{id}



For more information, see Jotform API

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

OK, will try that. Thank you.

Now it won’t even run the trigger module. Says unprocessed data in the webhook?!

I ran it with the ‘use existing data’ option and it failed at the POST module.

I am not quite sure how the modules work and if I need to reference the {12.id} from the GET module or not since the POST module is really only addressing the one filtered out result? The filter works and identifies the Bundle that matches so isn’t the POST module only going to update that one record?

Your endpoint URL is still incorrect.

If you have any further questions, you can also repost in the Hire a Pro category if you find it easier to explain your problem over screenshare. There is only so much we can do for you on a text-based forum.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.