Hello There, i am new to make.com and i bought a blueprint to make blog posts from my chatgpt and post it to my linkedin page. I am now busy making changes to the bleuprint so that i can use it. When i use the chatgpt module to generate blog idea’s en put the output as a JSON, it gives me a good (tested it with JSONlint.com) JSON output. I then want to use the JSON parser to set it into a working tekst. But this is where it goes wrong. Again, i am new to this, but what i have seen is that i need to set in the JSON module the output result of the Chatgpt. When i put this result in the JSON module the 34. result (or i even tried 34. choices [ ]:message.content ) i get a error that says:
Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).
Missing value of required parameter ‘json’.
What am i missing…i already asked chatgpt to help me with this error, and chatgpt says that the JSON pasers does not get a valid JSON input…So can someone help and point me in the right direction so i can make the next step. AI-blogging.json (94.7 KB)
I only fill in the JSON form, but i did NOT clicked the button of the database, then clicked generate…as i do not know what to fill in. The maker of the blueprint also did not do anything with this…but there was a correct output.
p.s, see attachment what should be the output
Alifar says that your structure starts with a [ and that means an array.
Anyways @Alifar please tell us how to get a JSON structure directly from GPT module.
Add a open { at the beginning and } at the end of your input. Or give chatgpt an example, like: I would like to have your answer in the following output: { “message”: “chatgpt_answer”}
If you want to add it to an array again that would be a bit trickier, if you need help with this let me know.
It is been a week…sorry. But again busy with this. and i bought this complete code so that it would be easyer to implement…and all others is no problem, but JSON is completely new for me. So if you want to help me, that would be perfect. If you want some money for this…also not a problem…as long as i can get this working, that would be perfect.
In your chat GPT module, at the end of your prompt, add something like this to your text:
Format your output in JSON format with the following structure so that all of your blog ideas are in one bundle I can map in subsequent Make modules:
“blog_idea1”: “[Idea1]”,
“blog_idea2”: “[Idea2]”