Adding multiple attenddees in Google Calendar Event from Google Form

I’m making a form that accepts an email address and updates the meeting with new participants in Google Calendar.
I have set up a form and calendar module. Everything worked for the first participant. However, the second added participant only replaced the first one.
How to set parameters so that there are more participants in the meeting.
I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I don’t see a solution.

Welcome to the Make community!

1. Screenshots of module fields and filters

Please share screenshots of relevant module fields and filters in question? It would really help other community members to see what you’re looking at.

You can upload images here using the Upload icon in the text editor:

2. Scenario blueprint

Please export the scenario blueprint file to allow others to view the mappings and settings. At the bottom of the scenario editor, you can click on the three dots to find the Export Blueprint menu item.

(Note: Exporting your scenario will not include private information or keys to your connections)

Uploading it here will look like this:

blueprint.json (12.3 KB)

3. And most importantly, Output bundles

Please provide the output bundles of the modules by running the scenario, then click the white speech bubble on the top-right of each module and select “Download output bundles”.


Save the bundle contents in your text editor as a bundle.txt file, and upload it here into this discussion thread.

Uploading it here will look like this:

bundle.txt (12.3 KB)


If you are unable to upload files on this forum, alternatively you can paste the formatted output bundle in this manner:

  • Either add three backticks ``` before and after the code, like this:

    input/output bundle content goes here

  • Or use the format code button in the editor:

Providing the output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario even if they do not use the external service.

Following these steps will allow others to assist you here. Thanks!


blueprint.json (22.0 KB)

        "kind": "calendar#event",
        "etag": "\"3414585646462000\"",
        "id": "07m5bii4tlvjo659r9q0dh2s02",
        "status": "confirmed",
        "htmlLink": "",
        "created": "2024-02-06T21:47:16.000Z",
        "updated": "2024-02-07T08:00:23.231Z",
        "summary": "st1",
        "creator": {
            "email": "myemail",
            "self": true
        "organizer": {
            "email": "myemail",
            "self": true
        "start": "2024-02-08T13:00:00.000Z",
        "end": "2024-02-08T16:00:00.000Z",
        "iCalUID": "",
        "sequence": 0,
        "attendees": [
                "email": "test@email",
                "responseStatus": "needsAction"
        "hangoutLink": "meetlink",
        "conferenceData": {
            "entryPoints": [
                    "entryPointType": "video",
                    "uri": "meetlink",
                    "label": "meetlink"
            "conferenceSolution": {
                "key": {
                    "type": "hangoutsMeet"
                "name": "Google Meet",
                "iconUri": ""
            "conferenceId": "meetlink"
        "reminders": {
            "useDefault": true
        "eventType": "default"

I see what you’re trying to do now.

Try selecting this option to add a new attendee and not override the existing ones.



Yeah. Now it is working. Eh, I didn’t notice this option.
Thank you very much for your help. I thought I would have to use some complicated arrays etc


According to the Google Calendar API documentation,

To send email notifications to attendees for events that were inserted or updated via the API, set the sendNotifications parameter in the update request to true.

Can you see if there is such a field? If not,

If the external service has a Developer API Reference/Documentation then you should be able to implement this in Make using the app’s universal module (Make an API call).

You can submit this suggestion to the Idea exchange, under App improvement ideas.

Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.

If you need assistance in setting up the app’s universal module, or the generic HTTP module, please provide additional information about what you have tried with regards to the external service’s Developer API Reference – how you are setting the connection up, a link to the endpoint are you trying to connect to, and what errors you are encountering.

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You are quick with respond.
This is the working setup.

thanks again for your help