Aggregator not passing multiple URLs to Airtable

Here’s what I am trying to accomplish:

Watch a Google Drive folder for new files and add files that share the same name, but different size to a single attachment field in Airtable.

I am using 3 different size images at the moment so have set the Google Drive module limit to 3. I see an output of 3 different bundles that include image name, webContentLink, etc. so assume this is working properly?

I’m then using an Array Aggregator to group by the file name (ImageName-ImageText_1x1, ImageName-ImageText_4x5, ImageName-ImageText_9x16) and then output a single name to use in Airtable (ImageName-ImageText). This works correctly.

Where I am running into issues is passing the webContentLink to Airtable and populate a single attachment field with all 3 image URLs. I am using a map function and it’s not working. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?

Many Thanks!

Hi, The use of the map function appears to be different.