AI to assits workflow creation

Hi guys, which tool inside or outside of make helps to create base workflow based on the user problem description?
I know that there is a GPT available, it kind of helps, but is there any other more advanced options?

Hi @Jaanus_Kikas,

The best intelligence is your own intelligence. There are lots and lots of places where you can learn how to use Make to the best extent, for example:

Or use the built-in AI within the scenerio editor for your base setup.


Hello @Jaanus_Kikas,
As @Henk-Operative suggest If you’ve basic computer programming knowledge, I recommend you go with 🟣 Make Academy: Course Overview step-by-step.
Make sure you practice it as well.

After that, I recommend you complete Make Partner Training link.

See some more topics and posts regarding this where I’ve contributed based on my experience.