🟣 Make Academy: Course Overview

Hey Makers :wave:

:mortar_board: Kickstart your learning journey with our Make Academy!
Today we’d like to share a summary of all the available courses. Enroll now, and learn the essential skills to learn automation at your own pace! :mortar_board:

Click for basic information about the Make Academy
  • Every certification contains various courses and units. :books:

  • Each certification aims to upskill Makers with some of the fundamentals of Make. :brick:

    • Make Foundation sets the groundwork for how to build your first scenario.
    • Make Basics largely focuses on data manipulation.
    • Make Intermediate dives deeper into using Iterators, Aggregators, and Webhooks.
  • A unit usually takes 5-15 minutes to complete, but the duration is longer for advanced courses. :mantelpiece_clock:

  • To earn a badge for the course, you need to complete all of the units and a short assessment to test your knowledge. :medal_sports:

  • Badges represent achievements and are valued by employers, so once you earn them feel free to share them with friends and colleagues on social media. :people_hugging:

Foundation level

:make: Let’s start with the Foundation level, offering beginners the perfect starting point on their learning journey.

1. Course - Setting up my first scenario

  • Scenario UI
  • Renaming, saving, and organizing scenarios
  • What is an app/module?
  • Configure a module
  • Connecting modules
  • Introduction to Mapping

2. Course - Expanding my first scenario

  • Adding a Router
  • Adding a Filter
  • More options with Filters
  • Overview of scheduling
  • Run once

3. Course - Introduction to Operations

  • Introduction to operations and operations counting
  • Check runs of scheduled scenarios
  • Subscriptions

4. Course - Introduction to Make UI

  • My Organization
  • Org/User settings
  • Team dashboard and roles
  • Templates

Make Basics

:make: Now, let’s move on to Make Basics to start deepening your knowledge.

1. Course - Modules, scheduling and bundles

  • Blueprints
  • Different types of modules - search
  • Different types of modules - action
  • Introduction to triggered
  • Scheduling your scenario
  • Introduction to bundles

2. Course - An introduction to data types and data structures

  • A brief introduction to Data Types
  • How to map Data Items
  • An introduction to Collections and Arrays

3. Course - Transforming data using functions

  • Introduction functions
  • Transforming Data - Text functions
  • Transforming Data - average ()
  • Transforming Data - formatNumber

4. Course - An introduction to aggregators

  • Introducing Aggregators
  • Numeric Aggregators in action
  • Text Aggregators in action

Make Intermediate

:make: Make Intermediate starts to introduce some of the more powerful tools and concepts, and explores the following.

1. Course - Introduction to Iterators and Array aggregators

  • Importing JSON into a new scenario
  • Iterating an array into bundles
  • Aggregating an array from bundles
  • Iterator and Aggregator use cases

2. Course - Using get () and map () functions

  • The get() function
  • The map() function
  • The get() and map() functions
  • The get(map()) use case

3. Course - Introduction to HTTP

  • Introduction to HTTP
  • HTTP to webhook

4. Course - Webhooks

  • What are webhooks?
  • Webhook concepts - URL query string
  • Defining and redefining webhook data structure
  • Webhook scheduling and webhook queue

5. Course - Error handling

  • Errors Overview
  • Error handling directives - Ignore, Rollback, and Commit
  • Retrying automatically - the Break directive
  • Error handling using routers and filters

6. Course - Intermediate Functions

  • Transforming date and time using functions
  • Conditional functions
  • String and array conversion functions part 1
  • String and array conversion functions part 2

Make Advanced

:make: Finally, there is our Make Advanced which is now being gradually rolled out. For now, you can enroll into:

1. Course - Data stores and data structures

  • Data structures
  • Data stores
  • Data stores use case 1
  • Data stores use case 2

2. Course - API calls with HTTP modules

  • API and Endpoints
  • Header and body
  • Multipart/form-data
  • OAuth 2.0
  • Make API

3. Course - Pagination - retrieving all data from APIs

  • What is Pagination?
  • Pagination - total number of items known
  • Pagination - total number of items uknown
  • Pagination - Offset
  • Practice Pagination

4. Course - Working with Regular Expressions for text processing

  • Text Parser
  • Regular expressions
  • Extract information using regular expressions
  • Validate information using regular expressions

5. Course - Advanced Webhooks

  • Processing data with webhooks
  • Webhooks, rollback and error handling
  • Protecting webhooks - part 1 - theory
  • Protecting webhooks - part 2 - practice
  • Webhook response

FYI: We’re going to consistently update this list and add links to new courses that our talented and enthusiastic Academy team produces!



I’m following your cursus. I’m now learning Unit 2 - Error handling directives - Ignore, Rollback and Commit.

I follow step by step your explaination, but I can notice that “Ignore module” doesn’t deliver the right answer. How can you explain ?

I tried on Brave and on Firefox. The same result. So It’s impossible to continue to learn with such a bug. What can I do please ?

Thanks a lot


What is the error from the HTTP module?

For issues with the Make Academy like this, directly contacting support can often lead to a faster resolution. They have access to your specific account details, scenario and scenario logs, server-side logs, and internal tools and resources, which allows them to investigate further.

You can open a new ticket here, or if you are unable to login for some reason, you can create another new free account to access the ticketing system (which is only available to logged-in users).

If you manage to get your issue resolved with support, we’d still love to hear about it! Sharing your solution on the forum can help others facing similar problems.


Thanks for sharing. I have been using make since the last two months and Make takes care of many of my tasks and social media posts.



I have completed both Foundation and Basics, but only the Foundation badge has appeared in my Credly account.

When I completed Basics it said that the badge would be emailed to Credly but it has not appeared.

Is this a known fault?



Hey Ben

Paul here from the Academy team - will reach out directly regarding your query.