📚 Mastering the Make Community: Support Others

Hey Makers :wave:

The Make Community thrives on collective knowledge sharing.
Here are a few tips to help you support others in the community.

Spot Unsolved Questions

To help others in the community, you can identify unsolved questions and contribute your valuable insights. Here’s how:

:one: At the top of a category page, click the “Status” filter, choose “unsolved”.

:two: When you’re browsing the community questions, pay attention to the boxes next to them. A checkmark means the question already has a solution.

:three: When you find an unsolved question you’d like to help with, click the “Reply” button and share your insights.

Filter Questions by Number of Replies

To help others in the community, you can also respond to questions that haven’t received any replies so far.

When browsing community questions, you can filter them by: Replies, Views, Overall Activity.
Each filter sorts the questions in ascending or descending order based on the selected criteria.

To find questions with the lowest number of replies, use the “Replies” filter.

Questions sorted in ascending order by replies:

Questions sorted in descending order by replies:

Recommend Helpful Resources

When sharing your insights and supporting others in the community, feel free to add links to helpful resources. Here’s a list to begin with:

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