How to troubleshoot the most common errors

Hey Makers :wave:

Here is the package of the most common error types and how to resolve them!

:arrow_right: Bundle Validation Error

Most common: Validation failed for 1 parameter(s)

Other error variations:

  • Missing value of required parameter ‘xy’
  • Invalid timestamp in parameter ‘date_created’
  • Prohibited value in parameter ‘field_4482’ in position 1
  • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘integer’)


:arrow_right: Cannot initialize the scenario

Most common: Cannot initialize the scenario

Other error variations:

  • Account 1303886 not found in blueprint
  • Unexpected configuration error
  • Failed to verify connection ‘xy’. Account error (invalid_grant)


:arrow_right: No more operations to execute a scenario

Most common: No more operations to execute a scenario


:arrow_right: Error “429” or Rate Limit Error

Most common: [429] Too Many Requests.

Other error variations:

  • Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota)
  • Quota exceeded
  • [429] Something wrong. Please try again
  • [429] Too many requests. (error code: 429)
  • [429] APP_002: rate limit reached
  • [429] RateLimit: Rate limit hit: Automatic failure response was sent to the webhook.
  • 420: You have hit the rate limit. Please wait 3600 seconds before trying again.


:arrow_right: ChatGPT - 429 Error

Most common: [429] you exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.

Other error variations:

  • Chat GPT only


:arrow_right: Error “400” or similar

Most common: Error: 404 Not Found

Other error variations:

  • [400] Insufficient Data
  • Error: 403 Forbidden
  • Error: 400 Bad Request
  • [400] One or more operators are invalid
  • [400] An internal error has occurred while processing your request. Please check your data


:arrow_right: Error “500” or similar

Most common: 503: UNAVAILABLE-The service is currently unavailable

Other error variations:

  • [502] <HTML><head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head><body><center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center></body></html>
  • Error: 500 Internal Server Error
  • 500:INTERNAL - Internal error encountered.
  • ECONNRESET: Service is temporarily unavailable


:arrow_right: Timeout Error

Most common: The operation timed out

Other error variations

  • The request has exceeded the allotted timeout.
  • ETIMEDOUT: Service is temporarily unavailable.


:arrow_right: Scenario timeout after 45 minutes

Most common: Execution was FORCED to stop because MAXIMUM EXECUTION and OVERLAY TIMEOUT [45 minutes] had elapsed


:arrow_right: Error during connection creation

Most common: Invalid OAuth access token - Cannot parse access token (190, OAuthException)


:arrow_right: Google Sheets - Invalid Argument

Most common: 400: INVALID_ARGUMENT -Unable to parse range: ‘xxx’!A1


:arrow_right: Parse JSON - Data Error

Most common: Source is not valid JSON.


:arrow_right: Error in the “formatDate” / “parseDate” function

Most common: Function 'formatDate’finished with error! ‘xxx’ is not valid date


:arrow_right: Data Store size Error

Most common: Cannot insert record. Maximum data stores size (xxx KiB) will be exceeded after insert.

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