📚 Mastering the Make Community: Understand the Navigation Bar

Hey Makers :wave:

Did you know you can customize the community navigation bar to feature updates and information most relevant to you? Check out the guide below and learn how to do it!

Default Navigation bar

By default, the navigation bar features the following:

Sending DMS from the Navigation Bar

To send a message from your navigation bar, click the plus sign by the ‘Messages’ section and create your message.

Customizing the Navigation Bar

:one: You can edit the categories and tags that you’re directed to from the sidebar.

To do so, simply click the click the pencil next to ‘Categories’ or ‘Tags’ and select the most relevant ones for you.

:two: You can also add a custom section to your sidebar and feature any content that you want to keep for quick access.

To do so, simply click the plus sign at the very bottom of the sidebar.

And add links to resources that are helpful or interesting for you.

edit custom section

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This is super useful thank you Michaela. Really enjoying the new layout :purple_heart:

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Thanks Paul! Happy to hear that you like the makeover :blush: