📚 Mastering the Make Community: Reply and React

Hey Makers :wave:

Found something interesting in the community you’d like to respond to?
Check out the guide below and learn how!

:one: Click the Reply button at the bottom of the topic you want to respond to.


  • The “Reply” button at the bottom of the page addresses the entire thread and the original post
  • The “Reply” button beneath a comment lets you respond specifically to that comment.

:two: Mention users to notify them.

If you want to address a specific user type @ and the relevant user name.

:three: To make your answer more structured, quote relevant pieces of the original text by selecting the text and selecting the ‘Quote’ option.

:four: Feel free to add emojis to your replies to keep the spirit light and friendly.

:five: Appreciate other users’ insightsby giving them likes and reactions.

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