API Elevenlabs recovery mp3 files

Hello everyone.

I’m trying to make the elevenlabs api work, in order to automate the voice synthesis for my texts.
The “POST” part of the HTML request works perfectly. However I do not know how to recover this data directly in audio/mp3. from here I’m stuck.
Here are the links of elevens labs to test : Elevenlabs playground , Elevenlabs documentation API and an overview of the project :slight_smile:


Using Notion (or something else) how do I retrieve these records? binary does not match playground…

Thanking you in advance for your time and help.

It looks like you get the file in binary data as the output. You may try to use the “upload file” Google Drive module to see if you can upload the file to Google Drive. If that works, you can then map the GDrive file URL into your Notion file/URL property.


The option work !

Thats a good idea like that.

Thanks you Simo !


Great ! @robin_georges

i’m trying in vain to make a call to eleven labs api, but i can’t. do you have a tuto please? why not privately if possible or directly on the forum :wink:
you’d make a lot of progress on my project.