Array Aggregator is not working as expected

I have a scenario where I let a list of phone numbers from Airtable, I send a SMS using Twilio to all the numbers and then I want to update a single record in Airtable. I used an Array aggregator between the Twilio module and the Airtable Update module but it is updating the record multiple times. What am I doing wrong?

Hello @Ruchika_Abbi; it seems that you might be grouping results in the array aggregator. As such, that module still returns multiple bundles than just one.

Hmm… I guess I don’t understand how Array Aggregator should work then. I thought if I’m passing multiple bundles through it, the next module will just get one bundle. I’m trying to mimic a for loop and then it exits the loop and carries on with the rest of the algorithm. Is that not how it works?

I’m not grouping any results, see screenshot.

Hello @Ruchika_Abbi,
Can you please share a full screenshot of the full scenario?
Also, some of the sample data structure of input and output you need to produce.

I figured out the problem, I had the wrong source module for the Array Aggregator, I thought just the previous module should be it. I changed the module to the first module that returned the list of customers (to whom I was sending the SMSes) and it worked.