Array aggregator, Parsenumber and deduplication

Hello all,
I have been strugling with a scenario in regards to aray aggregator.
I have an array aggregator with Categrory (Catégorie), Name (collaborateur) and Turnover (Montant):

I would like to have a bundle with a collection of 3 items
Category, list of names and total of turnover
So I have set multiple variables:

Unfortunately I have duplicate in my list name and the total of turnover is not working because I need to parse the number.

What would be the best practise to deduplicate the list and apply numberparsing by minimising opérations?

thanks for your help,

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Hi I manage to work on my duplicate by combining map and distinct function but I am still struggling for parsing the number. I could add a set variable to parse every number before my array aggregator module but it would be too much operation. Do you have any ideas?

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  1. You should use variable name instead of index number while using map() function, this is the correct way how map() function works.

Then your sum() function also work over the array.

To check the variable name, hover over the variable. Like in below image, for Row number, it is ROW_NUMBER

So I would use like {{SUM(map(array;ROW_NUMBER))}}


Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make

Thanks for your feedback but I think I have correct Raw ID (in my case it is number):

My issue is because my number are with “,” decimal and not “.” decimal. The only solution I come through is to use a set variable module but it consume many operation (1 operation for each row ) so I do need help to know how to do parse it within the sum or map function if this is something possible.