I’ve been sending data to an API and most of it works. I do have an issue which i’m unable to get my head around.
I’ve set my bundles to an array, i’ve mapped that variables of that array to a variable.
That variable is mentioned and works, but is missing “” to separate te items.
This is the input:
"keywords": [
"MIA ",
"non-firm ATO",
"subsidieregeling Schoon en Emissieloos Bouwmaterieel"
But then it makes this input in the HTTP request:
"data": "[{\"keywords\":[\"milieu-investeringsaftrek, MIA , non-firm ATO, subsidieregeling Schoon en Emissieloos Bouwmaterieel"], \"location_code\":2528}]",
I’d like it to be:
"data": "[{\"keywords\":[\"milieu-investeringsaftrek\", \"MIA \", \"non-firm ATO\", \"subsidieregeling Schoon en Emissieloos Bouwmaterieel"], \"location_code\":2528}]",
But i’m a bit lost on how to fix this, and my searches aren’t for the right terms, since i can’t find anything that really relates. I’m sorry for the n00bish question.