Automatically daily "download" all Scenarios and push to github


I like to backup my work. has someone done anythin like this?

Automatically daily “download” all Scenarios and push to github

I’m new to and cannot finde something like this in Templates …

Intressting is also that when filtering public templates by “make” the result is NULL

Thanks for help Ron

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Hi @ICO,

I was thinking about it the other day as well :smiley:
I think it’s fairly straight forward with the Make API. Get a list of Scenarios (active vs. inactive vs. both) → download blueprint → upload to GitHub.

Haven’t done it though :confused:

Is there anything specific which didn’t work yet?


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hi Richard

Is there anything specific which didn’t work yet?

no I was just wondering if there is a template … So seems I have to create it myself … should not be much work, but just adapting a template would be easier :slight_smile:

I also was wondering why there is not a single template using the Make API …
