Automation agency

Hello, I’m in the process of setting up my own business automation agency and I had a question. How do I connect my customer’s applications once the automation is complete? Do I have to ask him for all the information, for example the accounts he uses with password and login details, or is there another way of doing this?

Hello @Baptiste_B,

There are a few ways to handle this.

  1. The client can invite you into their Org and you can build the scenarios in their org. Whenever you need an app set up for the first time, they’ll need to do it so as to not hand over any credentials. This gets a little more complicated if you need to do custom API calls if there isn’t an app available for a specific product. Also will be a bit of work on the client’s part.
  2. If you build everything in your own Org, you can export a blueprint then they can import it into their org and set up accounts on all the services. The downside is it’s more work for the client and if you use your own account for the services you are integrating, you may have to pay for some of those. Your plan may also allow you to build a template which you may share.
  3. Client can invite you to their org AND give you all the credentials for all their services. This involves the least amount of work on their part, but obviously less secure.

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