Automation of invoice management with Make, Airtable, Nanonets, Google Sheets & Documint

One of my clients, an American production company, was spending a lot of time on invoices to the detriment of their high-value work – the production of corporate videos and ads.

Consequently, to help them refocus on their core mission, I created for them a set of automations that streamline their invoice management system: data entry for inbound invoices, document generation and sending for outbound invoices. Those automations helped them reclaim around 10 hours of work per week.

You can see what I built in :point_right:t3: this Loom video :point_left:t3:.

For data protection purposes, please note that the product you’ll see in it is only the MVP I built for the client, not the final product, and that I made up all the data.

For this project, I have to say that setting up the loop mechanism in Documint for retrieving the line items stored in Airtable was the biggest technical obstacle to me. But if you guys ever consider using this tool, I have to say Documint’s support team was very prompt in helping out.

Now that I’m done with this first step, I’m now working on automating payments with Stripe and sending follow-ups to Accounts receivable (1. via email, 2. via WhatsApp). If you have other improvement to suggest or comments, I’d be glad to hear them!

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For those who – like I – dig workflow diagrams, here are what the two workflows look like:

Take care.

:ocean: Keep the Flow