Automations For Your Agency

Hello, I am in the process of setting up own agency and so far its going well! I just wanted to make this post to see what those who are also selling automations to clients are automating in their OWN agency.

The obvious response would be automating everything you do manually and are currently having issues with but any other feedback would be appreciated.

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Nice move @DylanFreewave , also looking to follow suit after I finish the make advanced course, could you share your tips for getting clients

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I’m still trying to find clients for the month but what I’ve found to be the most useful and highest success rate is LinkedIn , either connecting with potential leads or using the sales navigator. The sales navigator can be pricey so there are platforms out there for generating email campaigns.

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Thanks for the insights, never really thought linkedin was a good place to search for leads. I’ve used apollo few times but wasnt successful

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If you have the buck, try Seems to be he best tool for lead generation


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