Avoid Notion duplicates in a database


I am setting up a scenario to have my Salesforce client accounts displayed into a Notion dabatase. I don’t understand why, the records appear in duplicates and not the same number of times depending on the accounts… How to create a flow to rather update nor create a page in my Notion database?

Bundle 1 and 2 on the screenshots attached are the same account from salesforce.

I’ve set up some filters but they don’t happen to work…
Could you please help? Thank you!



Hi Colombine,
Two thoughts to start based on what I see in the screenshots:

  1. What filter do you use in the “Search objects” Notion module?
  2. I am not sure if the timestamp filter is working as expected, since you are subtracting a date dates using a numeric operator

Hi Simo, thank you for answering :slight_smile:

  1. No filter, should I add one?
  2. I am a beginner, there might be an error here, yes. How would you say I should write this filter, to say that if the record has been edited in the last 7 days, then, we update it?


  1. Yes, I would probably add a filter there (“Salesforce ID” equal to “Account ID”). Then, on route #1, filter for “page ID” exists. On route #2, filter for “page ID” doesn’t exist.
  2. formatDate({{now}}; YYYY-MM-DD) <date: on or after> formatDate(addDays({{now}};-7); YYYY-MM-DD)

Thank you Simo! I added a filter on the first Search module for Salesforce regarding the last modified date. I put this, but it still triggers all the records… am i mistaking somewhere?

Hi Simo, I think I found a way editing to the filtre to “More than” but I seem to work.
But I think I have one last blocking point… :

The account manager field in Notion database is not always the good one. In Module 1, I search for the accounts, in Module 3 I search for the account team members ( a sub-object of the Account object) with a filter in module 3 on the account ID, but, the Account manager is not the right one…

Any idea of why it could be blocking? Thank you!

Hi Colombine, I am not sure about this - it looks like this has to do with the Salesforce “search records” module

I think so, with the 3rd one that permit to search for the account team members. But I don"t understand why it wont work…