Bitrix24 - Filter results via API call

I need to add list of products to the deal in Bitrix24 using API call.

I have integrated product catalog in prestashop with product catalog in Bitrix24 but the product id is different in Presta and Bitrix.

Now need to match presta id with bitrix id.

My plan is to search product in bitrix24 using his name from presta and get its id. Then use this id to set the deal.

But when I try to filter product in Bitrix I receive error: [400] Could not find value for parameter {filter}.

I think I tried every possibility to write those parameters.

Now I have it this way:

and the description from the api documentation is:

Could you please help me how to map presta product id with bitrix product id ?

Welcome to the Make community!

Do you have a link to the Bitrix24 API documentation?

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Hey @Justyna

You are getting the error because you mapped Array in the name field in API call.

Map only one text in the name field.

Sachin Shrivastava

But when I put there plain text I receive the same error.

It seems the full construction od body is wrong.
