Box Module to find existing folder

I have a scenario where if the status change to create folder it will create a folder on box and naming it with ColumnA_ColumnB, then once it created, get the link and update a column value on monday with the link for the created board.

Now what I need to do is that if the folder is existing already, it will just get the link of the existing folder and use that to update that specific column.

Here is my current scenario:

I am thinking of adding a find folder module the router if folder exist, update column value, if not, create a folder.

Can you please help me?

Can you use the Box Search for Content module?


Hi Donald, I tried but it’s giving me this error:
I tried setting it up as this:

it seems it doesn’t recognize the name

Hi @MJC ,

It looks like a connection error, maybe you have to reauthorize (in the connection menu in, otherwise delete your connection in Make and start over.





This is a connection error. If you have multiple connections for Box, please use the one you are using in other module (that is working) or reauthorize this connection.

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