
I am trying to do some really really basic calculations. But everytime I get NaN or no results. I am using the Set Variable nad brought it down to try and see what I am doing wrong. The following I am trying:

CleanShot 2024-02-18 at 11.50.13

This is the result:

CleanShot 2024-02-18 at 11.50.46

All help appreciated

Your brackets are incorrect.

Try selecting them from the variables panel.

Alternatively, you have to manually type each bracket like this:



Still not :(. This is the formula:

{{{{parseNumber(1.request.q22_watIs22)}}{{β€œ}}” / β€œ(({{”}}{{parseNumber(1.request.q23_watIs23)}}{{β€œ}}” / β€œ100)” * β€œ({{”}}{{parseNumber(1.request.q23_watIs23)}}{{β€œ}}” / β€œ100))”}}

This is the result:

Height is in meters


{{weight / (height * height)}}

Height is in cm

{{weight / (height * height / 10000)}}



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Thank you so much, it works :pray:

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No problem, glad I could help!

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