I have a “List board’s items” module in monday, and I try to get all the Item ID of these listed items. No metter what I am doing, and which values from the “List board’s items” outputs I put in the iterator after the “List board’s items” module - the iterator doesn’t return list od item ID’s but instead it return just the first Iten ID.
What could be the problem?
Attached two pictures and Blueprint:
blueprint (3).json (36.2 KB)
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Hi Ido,
the idea behind the Iterator module is that it will produce a separate bundle for each item in an array. But in your case the List module is already doing that, there is no array to iterate over.
Do you need all the IDs grouped together? You will then need an Aggregator module.
Hi @Ido_Puterkovski
The List Item module does not return an array, so there’s no need to manually iterate. It automatically processes each item individually as it moves through the subsequent modules.
Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make
@Msquare_Automation @Stoyan_Vatov Thanks!
I got what you both wrote but in fact when I try to enter the output of the list module in the ID SECTION within the last module (update item’s column value) its show me error. Do you have an idea of what cold be wrong?
Error Details: "@font-face{font-family:Roboto;font-style:normal;font-weight:500;font-display:swap;src:url(data:font/woff2;base64,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…
Hi @Ido_Puterkovski
If you can share the screenshot of the update module setup we could further assist you.
Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make