Chatgpt, Third party API limit exceeded

Like the title,

I got the RateLimitError in the template “Video to text”
Does anyone knows how to solve this issue?

Pic1 shows the overall scenario i ran, until the error part, i tried the error handler, although the scenario ran successfully, there is no output in my email.
Pic2 shows i dun process any api request throughout the month, supposely there will be no limit reached.
Pic3 shows my api request limit in platform.openai.

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Hi @TNT_Grieferz

Rate limits are the usage of API calls per minute and per day. If you are not able to handle this in few minutes it means it is RPD. It will get reset on next day. On which plan are you on??

Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make

Hi Msquare,

Thanks for reaching out. I have just found the problem. It is due to the credit as i am on the free plan.