Check and compare eMail adresses Mailerlite-airtable-airtable

Hello everyone,
I am a total beginner in the field of automation and just can’t get a probably simple process to work. Unfortunately, I am also not familiar with creating formulas. I hope that someone here can help me.
What would I like to do?
I want to add e-mail addresses of subscribers from Mailerlite to my Airtable base. But only the addresses that are not yet in this table. Module1 is mailerlite with the option “list subscribers”. Here I get all active subscribers of a certain group. Works so far. Module2 is Airtable with the option “seach records”. Here I get all the addresses currently contained. Also fits. But now only the addresses from Module1 that are not yet included are to be entered in Module3 (Airtable-create a record). This is exactly what I can’t do. But it does not work. All addresses contained in Mailerlite are entered again and again. How can I implement this?

Thanks for your help

Regards, Oreg

Hi @Oreg,

What you need to do here is add filter after the search module.
So it only creates the record when the search function does not find the email.

Hi @Mr.Make,

thanks for your answer. I’ve already tried setting up a filter, but somehow it doesn’t work in that way as it should. Mailerlite has maybe 60 adresses in total. 10 of those were already found the Airtable (Module 2). I only want to create the 50 new ones, but I always get all 60 or none.

Any more Ideas?

Sure you show me the output of mailerlite and your Airtable formula.

I’m thinking that you receive the output of emails as an array and need to use iterator on the emails. So you can search one by one on the emails. But make sure you have the filter in place also.

I’m just assuming this I need to see the output of your scenario and the search formula you are using. This will help me.

Thank you!

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