It’s been about 1.5 years since this question was raised here, wondering if the situation’s changed in the meantime.
When designing a scenario chain, is it possible to collect the child scenario output? Right now it seems the only variable you can retrieve from a child scenario is its Execution ID, regardless of whatever the last module outputs.
We don’t really understand why the output isn’t available; there’s no reason not to, especially as this severely limits the usefulness of child scenarios. But maybe there’s something we’re missing?
Instead of using the “Run a scenario” module, try using a HTTP → Webhook trigger to trigger another scenario, then use a Webhook response module to “Send” data back to the calling/parent scenario.
I’m sure others would agree that this is a nice feature to have.
I was recently contacted from Make that they wanted to implement this and wanted some feedback. I also think it’d be nice to have and kinda essential to complex development projects… Using webhooks & webhook responses are getting overwhelming x).