Combine output to comma separated string

Hello, I am noob in need of assistance. I have been tasked with automating contact updates to the constant contact platform. I am currently stuck on updating tags, because…you’ll see.

I am testing this with a csv file that contains two fields, email and tag name, tag names are comma separated. This is what I am attempting to do:

-Get comma separated tag names from CSV
-Get tag details using the Constant Contact API. Includes all tags in our account with tag name and tag id.
-Compare tag name from csv to tag name in constant contact and get tag id for each tag.
-Insert all tag ids in comma separate format to an api call to update tags for an email address in constant contact.

I am stuck on getting each tag ID to append to a string, like “tagid1”, “tagid2”, “tagid3”. I’m using google sheets as a test so I can see the output. I might be doing this completely wrong, but I am not a developer, I have a very basic understanding of this kind of stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


CSV split tag names:

CSV output:

CC api output:


This will at least add each tag id to a new row in google sheets. I have not been able to figure out a way to append each tag id in a comma separated format though. Thanks

blueprint1.json (40.5 KB)

Have you tried using the built-in function join, or use a Text Aggregator module with a comma delimiter?


Yes, I have tried both, but for some reason I get a blank output even when it shows there are operations. Should those options create one string when using an iterator?

Maybe this is a simpler question.

What would be the best way to compare the Value in screenshot1 to the Name in screenshot2, then output the tag_id from screenshot2 in one string, in this format: “tag_id1”,“tag_id2”



Thank you

To compare an array of values with another array of values, we cannot use the built-in functions.

You’ll have to Iterate one of the arrays, and create a filter to filter out items that are not in the second array, then aggregate back to an array.


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There is a topic on this in the community – it’s on array subtraction.