Connect Mangopay and

:us: Hello,

I would like to connect Mangopay and

When someone makes a payment through Mangopay, I want it to create a contact in with a specific tag.

Could you please guide me on how to set this up?

Thank you very much!

Je souhaite connecter Mangopay et Systeme io.
Quand quelqu’un paye sur Mangopay, cela crée un contact sur Systeme io avec un tag spécifique.
Pouvez-vous m’indiquer comment faire svp ?
Merci beaucoup !

HI Virginie,

I’ll answer in English since most people on the forum speak English.

You request is a bit unclear to me. When you say:

“Quand quelqu’un paye sur Mangopay, cela crée un contact sur Systeme io avec un tag spécifique.”

Do you mean: I want Mangopay to create an account on and give the account a specific tag?

If that’s the case, Mangopay would need to be able to call a webhook… and it looks like it does:

So if you create a scenario in Make that calls and does what you want, you will only need to set up your Mangopay account so it calls the webhook to execute the scenario.

If I misunderstood, let use know.


P.S. Oui, je suis parfaitement bilingue.

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:us: Hello,

Thank you for your response.

The goal is for Make to create a contact in with a specific tag whenever someone makes a payment on Mangopay. However, I’m unsure how to create and configure this scenario.

Best regards.


Merci pour votre réponse.

Il s’agit que quand quelqu’un paye sur Mangopay, Make crée un contact dans Systeme io avec un tag spécifique.
Mais je ne sais pas comment créer et paramétrer ce scénario.


OK, so what you need is to set up Mangopay so it calls a webhook after a successful payment.

This is where you should start looking to understand how do do it:

Create the scenario in Make with the first module as a triggered webhook.

Then when someone pays on Mangopay, it will call your scenario and do whatever the scenario is set up to do.

You can find templates for doing this type of scenario in the templates section of Make. For example:


:us: Hello,
Thank you for your reply.
Have a good day!

Je vous remercie pour votre réponse.
Bonne journée !