Google Sheet. I want to check if strings contained in column A sheet1 (total 15 rows) are contained in column B sheet2 (total 22 rows)
Sheet1: search rows, array aggregator1 (only column A selected), set a variable (map(array1;value of the column)
Sheet2: search rows, array aggregator2 (row number and column B selected), Iterator (array aggregator2)
Update a row: {{if(contains(set a variable output;iterator column value); “OK”; “ERRORE”)}}
output match only if the string is in the same row in Sheet1 and Sheet2
Please help me 
blueprint.json (50.8 KB)
Hey Laura,
Search the first sheet with an empty filter to get all rows. Then Search the second sheet and specify that column B needs to be equal to the output of Column A from the first sheet. This will only return the rows where this is true. No need to aggregate the two and build arrays and then iterate again on the arrays to check if something in one of them is present in the other.
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Hey @Stoyan_Vatov , thank you for replying.
I may did not understand it properly, I tried it but it doesn’t word.
- If I search the second sheet and specify that column B needs to be equal to the output of Column A from the first sheet, output from the 2° search module are 15 empty bundles.
- If I add an iterator module between the to search modules, output from the 2° search module still are 15 empty bundles.
I guess the problem is the same: the flow consider values as matching only if they are in the same row.
@Stoyan_Vatov ok I did it! Thank you very much for your support!