Create a new Notion DB item from a template when a new item is created

I’m trying to use notion template that I have created to duplicate actions that will be triggered when an new DB item is created. So in the following scenarios, when a new work item is created in Notion DB, I’ll create 1 to n worker(s) from notion template.

[new work] → [call template - worker 1]
-> [ call template - worker 2]
-> [ call template - worker #n]

Instead of doing this manually what are the step to accomplish this in Make? The part that I don’t get is how to do is lookup an preexisting DB template and then create a new DB item out of it from Make.

Database templates are not supported in the Notion API currently.
Instead, you could populate a database page by appending blocks to it. If your template contains a simple structure (i.e., no linked databases or other unsupported block types), this can be a viable solution.

Notion API append blocks: Append block children


Thanks for sharing this piece of information. Could you provide an example of how I can insert a block with Make module setup? I’m quite new to this and would need guidance on this area.

Thanks, Ming

Hi Ming,
To insert a block to a Notion page via Make, you can use the “Append a page content” module, in which you can select the page where you would like to insert the block, and which block type you would like to insert.