Create a post on TikTok

How can I post a video on TikTok? I can’t find such option :thinking:

Hi! Welcome to the community.

You can use the “Make an API Call” module and proceed as described in the TIkTok’s documentation. You will need to register your app first.

Have a great day!

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Hi @kelson

This is a bit complex process. You need to register an app in TikTok and use the module “Make an API Call”. The app approval will take a couple of days.

We have tried the same steps for another customer and it is understood that Tiktok permits only video upload as a Draft for now.

If the draft is fine, please proceed and let us know.

Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

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@Msquare_Automation what’s the difference between a draft post and production? You mean the video will not be available to public view?

Yes, we got approval only to post draft videos with the app submission method.

Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

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Same here, is there any other way to post a video in a automated manner??