Post videos To Tiktok

Hello guys, I created a scenario where I generate videos using Bannerbear and then I want to post these videos on TikTok, I can’t find out what happens on the TikTok side, it doesn’t have a built-in option to post videos but it has API calls then I was told to create Tiktok developers account and I created, then I send My app to review in TikTok but every time I receive answers that my app was rejected.

maybe I am setting up the Tiktok App incorrectly please help if anyone succeeded in this case and please share the details of how to set up the App in Tiktok, thanks in advance

Thank you very much, the only thing that I cant understand is the privacy policy, I want to connect the make.con and post videos just there is no other purpose for the app, in this case what can be done?

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You can add to the privacy policy that the data collected is securely handled and not shared with third parties. This ensures transparency and reassures users about their privacy when using your app alongside