Create an automatiotion of Gmail with other AI to create drafts

What are you trying to achieve?

Im trying to create a kinda simple automatiotion of read gmail mails, write a draft in Gemini and send it to gmail drafts.
The thing is that im kinda new with and kinda get lost and can’t even find the Gemin API Documentation.

Also, since I’m new in this, is there some Facebook group or Discord channel to disscuse and ask questions?

if you want to use the gmail make module, you need to have google workspace or follow this guide:

I would recommend an easier solution, using imap / smtp email module.
Like in the attached screenshot.

See also: 'In-Reply-To' - Email (Build-in) Module - #7 by samliew

hi, thank for that.
Yes, i managed to connect my Gmail alredeady. My problem is with the Gemii AI and how to connect it to MAke and retrive (or send) to it data.

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The Gemini connection instructions can be found here:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.