Create an XML file from multiple lines in Google Sheets

Hello, I need to export an XML file in a server FTP, given a Google Sheet. I’m using modules Search Rows, Array Aggregator, Create XML. The data are correctly read, but the module Create XML exports only the first row. The Sheet has 2 rows.

I attach the screenshot of the Sheet, output of Array Aggregator, output of Create XML and XML configuration.

Please could you help me?

Thank you,


Will the Google Sheet always have just two rows? If yes, you can use array indexing to get the second value and map it in your XML.

Here’s a video which you might find useful:

Hello, thank you for your answer. No the sheet could have multiple rows.

Thank you

Okay, I see. Have you tried this approach where you use a data structure:

Yes I tried this approach, but it appears that the Create XML module only takes one piece of data at a time. In fact it makes me add item1, item2, etc.

Welcome to the Make community!

You are mapping the first item of the array:

You need to map the whole array, using this toggle:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Hello, thank you for your help. I made the change but I have an error. I attach the error output. The output looks almost correct :sweat_smile:

I’ll also attach the screenshot of the modify I made. Sorry but I’m super beginner on Make.

Thank you

What is the error message?

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1. Relevant Screenshots

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3. Output Bundles of Modules

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A. Upload as a Text File

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B. Insert as Formatted Code Block

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These are the two ways to format text so that it won’t be modified by the forum:

  • Method 1: Type code block manually

    Add three backticks ``` before and after the content/bundle, like this:

    content goes here

  • Method 2. Highlight and click the format button in the editor

Providing the input/output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario, especially if there are complex data structures (nested arrays and collections) or if external services are involved.

Sharing these details will make it easier for others to assist you.

I add that, the structure of the items it must be

` <item>
      <g:id>ARRAY ID</g:id>
      <g:custom_label_0>ARRAY CUSTOM LABEL</g:custom_label_0>

The output bundles of Create XML is


Here the scenario bluprint

blueprint.json (34.9 KB)


I solved it by generating the xml via Google App Script in Google Drive, then I transfer the XML with Make from google drive to the FTP server.

Thanks anyway for the help.

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