Create Brevo email campaigns with Notion and Make

J’ai un scénario make pour créer des campagne de e.mail sur Brevo avec notion.

J’ai créer un template de campagne de email sur brevo avec en balise {{params.texte}}, lorsque je run le scénario tout fonction.

cependant dans Brevo la balise {{params.texte}} n’affiche pas le contenu de ma colonne notion “texte” . Sauriez vous m’aider ?

Hello @mhG2S welcome to the community :wave:

I just wanted to let you know that I translated your question into English since that’s the official language of the community. By keeping the content in one language, we give everybody the chance to step in and help you.

:us: Translation:

I have a Make scenario to create email campaigns on Brevo with Notion.

I have created an email campaign template on Brevo with the tag {{params.texte}}, when I run the scenario everything works.

However, in Brevo the tag {{params.texte}} does not display the content of my Notion column “text”. Could you help me?

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