I ultimately want to create an automatic email that is sent to employees that notifies them of missing receipts that they need to upload. The data is a list of transactions from a Google Sheet and I’m able to aggregate the transactions based on the user. However, I’m struggling on how to aggregate each bundle into a long table to import into Outlook.
Here is the aggregation of each transaction based on the user.
But instead of having different operations list out the transactions from each user, I would like to get one list of Dave’s and Julie’s transactions sent to one person in one email. I hope this explanation makes sense! Please let me know any solutions.
Yes Outlook can format HTML. However, after some research, I simplified the scenario and was able to get what I was looking for!
This video helped me with the solution:
Just wanted to step in and pat you on the back for the great job you did while searching for the right solution, which happened to be one of the videos from @andyoneil!
Also thank you very much for updating this thread and sharing your final thoughts with us. We appreciate you keeping our community tidy.