Creating ClickUp projects from templates doesn't work :(

We use JotForm, and as soon as a customer fills out their contract there, the data is sent to ClickUp, and tasks should be created. These are always the same tasks, so we created a ClickUp template.

Company Name - Customer First Name Last Name

  • Onboarding
    • Create WhatsApp group
    • Send members area
    • Explain roadmap
  • Video
    • Send video script
    • Film video
    • Edit video
  • Funnel
    • Create funnel
    • Test funnel on mobile

It only creates “Company Name - Customer First Name Last Name,” but no tasks from the template underneath. Is there a Walkaround to get Tasks from a Google Calc or another Source?

How do I solve this?
Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Hi Andreas,

what is the error message you are getting?

Hi @Andreas_Achatz
If any changes have been made to the template task, there’s a possibility that this module may throw an error, even if it was previously functioning correctly. In such cases, you should refresh the module and recheck the mapping. If you can share the error message we could further assist you.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make


Hi @Andreas_Achatz
It is saying template not found. Ensure the template is not accidently deleted or you have selected the correct click up connection. Also try refreshing the clickup module:

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

He did not find a Template.
So switched to MAP and gave them my Template Number T-09…
But not found…

Hi an easy way to get the template id is to go to the template in the template center. Then click on it and click on share and turn on public sharing. Just copy that link and paste it some where. The template id can be found in that link to use for mapping. Its highlighted below. You can just turn the public sharing off after. This is just to get the template id.


I have been searching for this work around for months! Thank you Mr Make :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

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