Creating variables from multiple arrays from Array agregator


I might have a stupid question, but I cannot find the solution (and AI wouldn’t help me much).

I use Airtable search records module that returns several bundles. In array aggregator, I connect it into one bundle. And from that I want to create several dozen variables with this logic:

  • search for ‘variable 1’ and check if the value is ‘X’
  • if so, get value of ‘variable 2’ from the same array

For some reason, even this simple function returning empty value (even if the Designation exists and has some value): map(187.Array[]; Designation)

So also the function like join(map(187.Array[]; if(Designation = "Audiences"; "Object 1"; "")); ", ")
doesn’t work.

And one more thing - the number of bundles from Airtable as well as their order will vary.

Can you help with this, please?

Welcome to the Make community!

To allow us to assist you with your scenario, please provide the following:

1. Relevant Screenshots

Please share screenshots of your scenario, any error messages, relevant module fields, and filters in question? It would really help other community members to see what you’re looking at.

2. Scenario Blueprint

Please export the scenario blueprint file to allow others to view the mapped variables in the module fields. At the bottom of the scenario editor, you can click on the three dots to find the Export Blueprint menu item.

3. Output Bundles of Modules

Please provide the output bundles of the modules by running the scenario (or get from the scenario History tab), then click the white speech bubble on the top-right of each module and select “Download input/output bundles”.

Providing the input/output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario even if they do not use the external service.

Following these steps will allow others to assist you here. Thanks!

Thank you for your recommendations.

So BP is here, but is is very simple scenario (for the moment).
blueprint (9).json (13.3 KB)

Output data are here:

        "array": [
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "Some audiences",
                "Object 2": "\n",
                "Object 3": "\n",
                "Object 4": null,
                "Object 5": null,
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Core",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI post",
                    "LI carousel",
                "Designation": "Audiences",
                "Record type": "Audiences"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "Some design instructions",
                "Object 2": null,
                "Object 3": null,
                "Object 4": null,
                "Object 5": null,
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Client specific",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI post",
                    "LI carousel",
                "Designation": "Design specifics",
                "Record type": "Design specifics"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "## Blog types (general definition)",
                "Object 2": "## **Blog Structure:**",
                "Object 3": "## Content and Style",
                "Object 4": "## Technical Aspects",
                "Object 5": "## Blog types",
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Content specific",
                "Použití": [
                "Designation": "Content specifics (blog)",
                "Record type": "Content specifics"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "## The User's Profile",
                "Object 2": "## **The Professional Background of the User",
                "Object 3": "## Language and Style",
                "Object 4": "## Content and Messaging",
                "Object 5": "## Engagement and Reader Involvement",
                "Object 6": "## \n",
                "Line type": "Core",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI post",
                    "LI carousel",
                "Designation": "User / company specifics",
                "Record type": "Client specifics"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "### Support",
                "Object 2": "Please",
                "Object 3": "\n",
                "Object 4": null,
                "Object 5": "### \n",
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Content specific",
                "Použití": [
                "Designation": "Content rules (blog)",
                "Record type": "Content rules"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "Tech Stack",
                "Object 2": "## Introduction",
                "Object 3": null,
                "Object 4": null,
                "Object 5": null,
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Client specific",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI post",
                    "LI carousel",
                "Designation": "Project info (AI)",
                "Record type": "Project info"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "## Carousel definition:",
                "Object 2": "## Carousel Structure:,
                "Object 3": "## Content and Style",
                "Object 4": "## Technical Aspects",
                "Object 5": "## Carousel types",
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Content specific",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI carousel"
                "Designation": "Content specifics (LI carousel)",
                "Record type": "Content specifics"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "### Support ",
                "Object 2": "Please",
                "Object 3": "\n",
                "Object 4": null,
                "Object 5": "### \n",
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Content specific",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI post",
                    "LI carousel"
                "Designation": "Content rules (LI)",
                "Record type": "Content rules"
                "LLM": "ALL",
                "Object 1": "\n",
                "Object 2": "## Post",
                "Object 3": "## Content a",
                "Object 4": "## Technical",
                "Object 5": "## Post",
                "Object 6": null,
                "Line type": "Content specific",
                "Použití": [
                    "LI post"
                "Designation": "Content specifics (LI post)",
                "Record type": "Content specifics"
        "__IMTAGGLENGTH__": 9

What I need to do is set a variable with this logic: “Check if ‘Record type’ is Audiences and if so, return the value of ‘Object 1’”
The idea is, that I will create several dozens of such variables with similar logic.

Would this help?

Is this what you are trying to do?



Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work

Only the array is a variable. The rest has to be typed in manually. Try comparing our screenshots.

For more information, see Mapping with arrays below.

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Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.