CSV to Google Sheet problem

Continuing the discussion from Format CSV to Google Sheet:

Hello team

Hope you’re well.

I have encountered an issue that has arisen recently.

I download a CSV file from a URL using the ‘http’ module, then extract the data and upload it to Google Drive onto a sheet.

Usually, I then access the sheet to search for an entry that I need.

I haven’t made any changes, but for the past few days, the sheet is no longer formatted with columns. I only have raw data.

blueprint.json (58.2 KB)

It appears there might have been an update or something similar. I’m unsure of how to proceed in formatting the data with columns in the sheet now.

Any solution ?


Hey @qtronix9 Welcome to the community, Your issue lies in the API call itself.
But you can solve that by replacing semicolon with commas.
Set variable module after API call and in value

{{replace(toString(1.data); ";"; ",")}}

Please follow the blueprint given below for better clarity, This will give you well-formatted data
blueprint (8).json (15.0 KB)


Hi @VinayakUpadhyay, You are great! I solved immediately my problem with your suggestion. Thank you so much!
Best Regards