I would like to combine a date item “Next activity date” with a time item “Next activity time” in order to trigger the sending of a text message at the time of this activity. However the date and item are separate and I don’t understand how to put them together.
Next activity date : 04-26-2022
Next activity time : 10:00:00
Desired output : 04-26-2022 10:00
Here is the error message :
Failed to map ‘Date/heure envoi du sms’: Function ‘parseDate’ finished with error! ‘Mon Apr 25 2022 22:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)10:00:00’ is not a valid date or does not match the date format.
I see that this post is about a year old. I was looking for a solution to another problem, but might be able to help here in case anyone else stumbles upon this.
My guess is that you need to add the seconds into the format that you are parsing. DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss
Mate you’re almost there! follow these steps to have the green semphore and move on! the problem you are experiencing is due to the format you are using. use this function as follows: