Can't Filer on date and time


I need to make sure a date give in not in the past

I get it from a webhook and from airtable

I am trying to parse it (not sure this is needed)

And, using a filter I try to compare it to the current date and time

I have tried many many combinations but can’t get it to work


Hello @Stanislas_Berteloot
The first thing is that you need to know how the functions work or write (syntax) in Make.

The Make Function has a specific syntax, But in your second attached image, you’ve just written it down as like text.

While using the function or previous steps data, I strongly recommend using that data selection panel.
This is just an example of how to write that same thing using Make’s function syntax.
{{formatDate(now; "MMMM DD YYYY h:mm A")}}

Also, check this Transforming Data using Functions - Make Academy

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Hi @Stanislas_Berteloot

{{formatDate(now; "MMMM DD YYYY h:mm A")}}

If you are not confident to hardcode the functions and variables you can map like this:

And mouse over any any function to see its syntax and examples.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

Thanks a lot I will give it a try.