Having trouble with datetime operator in filter

I only want timestamps that have happened in the past to pass through the filter. The problems is, all times are currently passing through so the filter isn’t working.

The condition I set up is as follows:

  • Date and time in ISO 8601 format
  • Datetime operators: earlier than or equal to
  • “now”

“Now” also is in ISO 8601 format so I think Make should be able to compare the two? See image for details.

Please advice

Hi @Sam_Bastiaens
Ensure the variable is of the date type. You can mouse over the variable to confirm whether it’s recognized as a date. If it’s not, you’ll need to use the parseDate function in the filter to convert it to a date.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make

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Thank you very much! That worked :slight_smile: